fivestepsdown: living the questions of faith

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Celebrating Rodney

This morning, the United Methodist Church lost a devoted brother, an ardent advocate for social justice, and vocal conscience.

I met Rodney about six years ago when I started attending Dumbarton UMC. Rodney had been long retired from the UMC's General Board of Church and Society, but Rodney's advocacy didn't end with retirement. Rodney's work for the rights of women and against nuclear proliferation continued well into his nineties. Even from his retirement home, Rodney pushed church and govenment leaders in the fight against nuclear arms.

In the last few months of Rodney's life, I came to admire his tenacious character, as well as the grace and dignity, and maybe some impatience, that he shared with so many people as he prepared to die. Rodney's vision and passion were not only gifts to our congegation, but the the entire Church.

Passionate God,
Brother Rodney responded to your call in his life
by seeking justice, advocating for peace, and standing up when others were sitting down.
Be with us as we mourn our loss.
Help us to respond to you call.
Let us seek.
Let us advocate.
Let us stand.


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