fivestepsdown: living the questions of faith

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Three Simple Rules

Just when it seems that everyone is blogging, I got silent. I've decided that blogging is a spiritual discipline and I need to get much better at such things.

The Young Adult Bible Study that I co-lead (we're all leaders really) has been focusing on a study of Three Simple Rules, a book based on John Wesley's rules for living. I'm amazed at how timeless these rules are - in any context, they are truly words by which to live!

So, you're wondering (I know you are...), "What are these rules?"

For those who don't want me to spoil the ending of the book, stop reading now:

1) Do no harm.
2) Do good.
3) Stay in love with God.

I've decided that the first rule is probably the most difficult (for me at least). There are so many times in our life that we don't even recognize that we're doing harm. Sometimes it's because we're oblivious; other times it's because we're so caught up in systems of being and cycles of oppression that we can't even know/see/imagine the people we are harming.

What about you? How do you do harm? How do we make a conscious decision to Do No Harm?


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