fivestepsdown: living the questions of faith

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


The way I've been feeling lately, you'd wonder if I'm 18 years old and preparing to leave for college. You might even think I'm moving to a new city, or that I'm getting a divorce. Two major transitions are happening in my life. Since I'm in the midst of transitions, it's difficult for me to even recognize how they are occurring.

To some of my blog readers, my first transition may be a bit of a shock (although my friend Taylor alluded to it in a previous comment). Friday will be my last day managing the Cokesbury bookstore at Wesley Seminary. I've worked for Cokesbury off and on for the past six years. I suppose I could come up with a laundry list of reasons for my leaving - you might discover some of them in future blog postings. But more than anything, it was time for me to take another baby step in my call to ministry. I will begin my new job as Volunteer Coordinator for the Transitional Housing Corporation, a non-profit which seeks to bring transformation in the lives for formerly homeless families. In this new job, I will work to connect individuals and congregations in order to bring a sense of peace and freedom in lives that are chaos-filled.

Likewise, I'll be starting my seminary field placement soon. This means I won't be spending every Sunday morning with my congregation - my home for the past six years. While I know I'll continue to be a part of this very special community, I'm very excited for the possibilities I have with this new ministry: Wesley Foundation at the University of Maryland.

So, I go into these transitions feeling a little bittersweet - this type of transition will be awkward because I care so very much for the places I am leaving. And yet, there's a peaceful calm about it all.

Radiant Light,
show your rays.
Shine, Jesus, shine.
Guide me on the journey -
be near. I might cry for help.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Long Time No Blog

Almost two months. Wow. I don't think most of my friends could think I'm able to go that long without sharing my thoughs with everyone around me.

The past two months have brought around some wonderful (scary) changes in my life. It's very hard to explain, but it's as if I've taken control of my life again- or at least accept responsibility for how I live my life.

The first major change was the desire to "get real" with my parents. Ever since I left for college, there was just a part of me that wasn't real to them - that was afraid that they wouldn't accept me or my choices in life. Yes, a load of hooey, but it's the construct I lived by for ten years. I even got so hard-headed that I refused to go back home for a visit, simply because my parents are not able to travel to see me. Bad child, yes, I know. But I'm over it. And last weekend I spent five really great days with my parents. And better yet, I got to see my cousins and friends from high school.

And while it sort of felt like I was the prodigal son - which is weird for an only child - it was good to be back home. For the first time since I left home, I felt like I was the adult son, not the ten-year old son. I guess I've reached that certain stage in my life journey - it feels good - it feels honest - it feels real.